1:1 Meetings
The goal of weekly 1:1 meetings is to give manager and direct report a regular time slot for information exchange on a business and personal level. It can often happen that goals are missed, the focus is lost or feelings are hurt during an intense week of daily operations. The 1:1 meeting gives an opportunity to fix any issues, create clarity on priorities and kick-off into the upcoming week with a clear mind.
Frequency: Weekly
Duration: 30 -45 minutes
Participants: Manager, Direct Report
1. Assess progress
Example questions:
How are your OKRs coming along (metric-driven)?
How confident are you to achieve the goals?
What must get done this week to advance OKRs?
2. Identify potential issues
Example questions:
Is there anything stopping you from attaining your objectives (e.g. dependencies to team members or other departments?
Any OKRs that need to be adjusted – or added, or eliminated – in light of shifting priorities?
3. How can I help?
Example questions:
What critical capabilities do you need to be successful?
Is the team still excited by the OKRs? Not reachable or too easy?
4. Feedback: honest & sincere appreciation, coaching, and feedback from last week
This should only happen when there are concrete situation that you observed (ideally write those situations down after every day to not forget it)
Follow-up on behavior discussed in the quarterly performance review
Otherwise, try to give feedback about this format and the quality of the report
5. Upward feedback
Example questions:
What are you getting from me that you find helpful?
What am I doing/ saying that impedes your ability to be effective?
What could I do for you that would help you to be more successful?
Last updated
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